Hey Fishermen,
It is already getting busy. Last week the sturgeon fishing was very tough with little results. I believe weather was a factor. The good news is the sturgeon are back on a bite. And they are on fire in the 64 degree water temperature. The sharks are also starting to bite. Captain Jonathon is running the new Flash II. He did back to back ½ day shark trips today. I did a sturgeon charter on Flash I. I will be running sturgeon trips through next weekend. Then it is time to give Flash I a work over and then she goes back to Fisherman’s Wharf. It looks like we might have live bait next weekend. The bay is in great condition for a good shark, bass and halibut season. If you are interested in getting your sturgeon before the live bait season starts now is the time. Call me on the boat phone at 510 851-2500. Enjoy the photos.
Captain Steve Talmadge
Flash Sport Fishing

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