Flash Fishing Report 10/21/24

Hey Fishermen, Flash 2 has still been finding some limits of bass and a few halibut! Today they landed a good size halibut. Enjoy the photos. Captain Steve Talmadge Boat, mobile and booking Phone number, 510 851-2500 Flash Sport Fishing

Flash Fishing Report 10/12/24

Hey Fishermen, Flash 1 had a great day playing with the bass on their 1/2 day trip. Enjoy the photos. Captain Steve Talmadge Boat, mobile and booking Phone number, 510 851-2500

Flash Fishing Report 10/10/24

Hey all, Well I am back from a month at the Italy and France offices. I had problems posting from Europe. I will finish the Europe post after this report. The Flash boats have been having some good fishing while I was gone. I only have photos from the last few trips, just a few… Read more »

Flash fishing report 9/3/24

Hey Fishermen, Flash I and Flash II had some good trips this last weekend. large halibut, limits of lingcod and more rockfish than you need. Enjoy some of the photos from the last weekend. call me if you would like to get into the action. Captain Steve Talmadge Boat, mobile and booking Phone number, 510… Read more »

Flash Fishing report 8/25/24

Hey fishermen, I ran Flash 2 over the weekend. My groups wanted halibut. Both trips had a solid fish a rod. Today’s 1/2 day trip even had a whopper of a halibut. Enjoy the photos. Captain Steve Talmadge Boat, mobile and booking Phone number, 510 851-2500

Flash Fishing report 8/23/24

Hey fishermen, While I was on my short camping trip, Flash 1 also did one of our 1st shark trips. They had enough shark action after about 2 and 1/2 hours so they switched to halibut fishing and picked up a couple. Not bad for a 1/2 day trip. Enjoy the photos. Captain Steve Talmadge… Read more »

Flash Fishing report 8/20/24

Hey fishermen, While I was on my short camping trip, Flash 1 had a great trip. They landed limits of lingcod, rockfish and halibut, WOW! Enjoy the photos. Call me if you would like to get into the action. Captain Steve Talmadge Boat, mobile and booking Phone number, 510 851-2500

Flash Fishing report 8/18/24

Hey fishermen, I took 2 days off from the home project to run Flash 2, captain David is just getting back from vacation.What a difference a day makes. Both yesterday and today were 1/2 day charters. Yesterday was very slow. Today basically fished the same area and we were 1 short of halibut limits. we… Read more »

Flash Fishing report 8/16/24

Hey Fishermen,Flash 1 did good today on their 1/2 day trip.I have 2 spots that just opened up for tomorrow.Call me on the boat phone if you would like to join the fun.Enjoy today’s photos.Captain Steve TalmadgeBoat, mobile and booking Phone number,510 851-2500

Flash Fishing report 8/13/24

Hey fishermen,Flash 1 had a great day today, Everyone landed more than they expected. Even the kids killed it. Flash 1 and 2 are booked full through the rest of the week and weeekend. Except Thursday, I have a little room on Thursday. Call me if you would like to get into the action. Enjoy… Read more »