Hey Fishermen, My Friday trip was rescheduled but we were able to fish Saturday and Sunday with great weather. I rescheduled todays trip due to the bad weather. It does not look like we are going to get back out until Friday due to the weather. In the pass the sturgeon have been all spread… Read more »
San Francisco Fishing Charters/ Fishing report 2/21/19
Hey Fishermen, We just wrapped up 5 trips in a row. The fishing has been up and down. One day they are chomping great and the next they take a break. One of the trips we hooked 8 sturgeon, landed 6 and two were good ones. We also landed 4 bass and one made… Read more »
San Francisco Fishing Charters. 02/15/19 fishing report
Hey Fishermen, Deb and I made it home from Cabo. We had a bumpy flight home. I am already missing the great weather we left. Needless to say my boats did not get out much while I was gone due to the weather. But on the last few trips they did land some sturgeon. Check… Read more »
San Francisco Fishing Charters. 01/03/19 report
Hey Fishermen, It looks like the sturgeon are starting to bite. We are also still seeing some good bass. I just finished three trips in the New Year and I am pleased with the start of 2019. Yesterday was fun trip and Martha landed the top sturgeon. This was her very first time fishing ever!… Read more »
San Francisco Fishing Charters/ report 12/31/18
Hey Fishermen, I am back to work. The sturgeon fishing has been tough the last few days. We have had great weather and it is not hard to find sturgeon. There are a lot around. I talked to our local game warden and he said they have been off the bite for a while. They… Read more »
San Francisco Fishing Charters! Report 11/20/18
Hey Fishermen, I just wrapped up 6 trips in a row. The rockfish has been very consistent and we are picking up lingcod along the way. The kids have been killing it. Benjamin bagged 2 big Vermillion and his friend Aroh bagged a limit of lingcod today on a ½ day trip. I had a… Read more »
San Francisco Fishing Charters, fishing report 10/14/18
Hey Fishermen, October is still supplying some great fishing. The leopard sharks are big as well as the lingcod. The salmon has been on and off. There are still a few halibut being landed but just ok. We are seeing a good grade of rockfish. The big surprise is some fantastic white see bass fishing…. Read more »
San Francisco Fishing Charters, fishing report 9/25/18
Hey Everyone, The last week and a half has been a blast. What a variety of targets with great scores and quality. The top action is the large leopard sharks. They are biting like mad dogs and putting up a great fight. The salmon is on and off but when it is on we are… Read more »
San Francisco Fishing Charters, fishing report 9/14/18
Well folks, There are many targets still biting. The big surprise is there are still a lot of halibut in the bay. And we are seeing some very good scores. It is like we are fishing halibut in May. The big leopard sharks, rockfish and lingcod are biting. The salmon is on and off but… Read more »
San Francisco Fishing Charters, fishing report 09/04/18
Hey Fishermen, The fishing continues to be very good. The Salmon are on and off but when they are on there are some big ones. The rockfish and Ling cod are good to very good. The sharks will wear you out! And the big surprise is the halibut. We have had some great halibut fishing… Read more »
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